Was false information to blame for the summer riots?
30th August - 06th September 2024
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5-11 votes
11-16+ votes
After the UK experienced a slew of anti-immigration and far-right riots following the attack in Southport on the 29th July, we created a set of lessons that considered what role false information had to play. Primary pupils discussed the riots but with a stronger focus on the unity many communities displayed in response to the violence. Those aged 11+ delved more deeply into the misinformation and disinformation that spread online in the hours after the attack and then considered how far it was to blame for the riots that followed.
Secondary, 16+ & College voters were asked: “Was false information to blame for the summer riots?”, while Primary 9-11 voters discussed: “Were you proud of your community this summer?” and Primary 5-9 voters considered: “Are you proud of your community?”
23,391 young people in the UK have taken part in this vote.
We are happy and proud to live in a community where people are kind and helpful to each other.
Even after it was confirmed to be false information, people carried on rioting showing that there was an external cause.
[if] there was no misinformation on the topic then the riots would not have happened because the issues of immigration would not have been raised in the first place.
Thank you to Olivia Williams, Campaign Manager at /together for responding to young people's voices on this VoteTopic!