Should violence against shop workers be made its own law across the UK?
23rd February - 01st March 2024
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Young people explored the rise in instances of violence against shop workers across the UK in recent months, and the action recently taken by the Scottish Government to make this its own offence. During the lessons, they considered the current statistics around shoplifting and other activity, before deciding whether changing the law is the best course of action.
There isn't anything else we can put in place, and we can put the money towards something more beneficial like education or helping the homeless.
Due to the rising numbers of crimes against retail workers, introducing a specific law could be a good measure to protect workers in this sector. However, our law and British constitution should mean that violence and abuse towards ANYONE is unacceptable and should be prosecuted.
It should be more to protect key workers not just retail. This way it would cover all key workers.