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How does VotesforSchools meet Ofsted requirements?

Meeting Ofsted requirements doesn’t have to be complicated. VotesforSchools provides easy-to-use, zero-prep lessons that help your school cover key areas like British Values, SMSC, and Prevent. Our resources engage all students, support their personal development, and help schools achieve Ofsted’s expectations in a straightforward way.

We're often mentioned in Ofsted reports for schools all over the country, and here's why:

1. Quality of Education

Mapped to Curriculum, PSHE, British Values & SMSC

  • Zero-prep lessons: Content covering PSHE, British Values, Prevent, and SMSC, as emphasised by Ofsted.
  • Inclusive discussions: Differentiated activities engage all students, regardless of background or ability.
  • Ambitious curriculum: Supports a broad and inclusive curriculum, benefiting all students, including those with SEND.

"Leaders ensure that pupils develop an understanding of democracy, respect and other modern British values. Pupils regularly vote on different themes to express an opinion. For example, during the recent presidential election in the United States pupils considered the quandary of ‘Should celebrities become politicians?’ Such debate enables pupils to express their views respectfully and have their voices heard."

The Ashwood Academy Ofsted Report

"Pupils make a positive contribution to the life of the school, including as councillors and as art and anti-bullying ambassadors. They keep abreast of current affairs through the weekly ‘votes for schools’ programme. Teachers encourage pupils to form opinions and debate issues such as equality and discrimination. This also includes discussions about democracy and tolerance."

Five Elms Primary School Ofsted Report 2022

2. Behaviour & Attitudes

Promoting Respect, Inclusivity & Positive Attitudes

  • Building respect: Lessons encourage respect for different opinions and cultures.
  • Positive attitudes: Encourages active participation, creating a positive and inclusive school environment.
  • Well-being focus: Addresses bullying, hate speech, and harassment, promoting emotional and social well-being.

"Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of democracy. This is achieved through elections for class council members but also through the ‘votes for schools’ programme. Pupils in all year groups consider big questions; for example, during the inspection Year 3 discussed ‘Should schools have pets?’ This means that pupils learn how to articulate their own opinion but also understand the importance of listening to what someone else has to say. Pupils are well prepared for their lives in modern Britain."

Packmoor Primary School Ofsted Report, 2019

3. Personal Development

Confidence, Resilience & Citizenship

  • Empowering student voice: Weekly votes teach democratic participation and boost student confidence.
  • Rich development opportunities: Offers diverse experiences to help students engage with key social issues.
  • Holistic development: Supports physical and mental health, and understanding of diversity, aligned with Ofsted’s focus on well-being.

Looking for more info?

Download the full guide now to explore how our resources align with key inspection areas, including Quality of Education, Personal Development, and Leadership.

"You do not shy away from topical issues in your ‘pupil vote’ activities and show courage in enabling pupils to talk about challenging topics, such as acts of terrorism or the ethics of conflict."


St Chad's RCVA, June 2018

"We recently had an Ofsted inspection and I informed Michele how the Ofsted inspector watched me teach a whole lesson on VotesforSchools in our form time and the inspector was really impressed with how the results of the whole country could be viewed. The Ofsted inspector really liked the PowerPoints. The PowerPoints are always engaging with the students and... covers SMSC 100% and also about 75% of the topics of PHSE which includes RSE in such sensitive and interesting ways. The votes enable democracy in action every week thus actively promoting British values."

Head of Science, Al Sadiq School & Al Zahra School, 2022

4. Leadership & Management

Supporting Leadership, Teacher Development & Workload

  • Reduced workload: Zero-prep lessons save time while delivering impactful, high-quality content.
  • Ongoing teacher support: Resources boost staff confidence in leading discussions on complex topics.
  • Curriculum mapping: Aligns with PSHE, SMSC, British Values, and Prevent duties, ensuring consistent coverage across the school.

Want to find out more?

To find out exactly how VotesforSchools ensures full coverage of the SMSC curriculum, as well as covering all British Values and Prevent guidance, book a short, online demo to see the programme in action, or request one of our team gets in touch with you.

Book a Demo

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