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5-11 votes
11-16+ votes
Lights on the high street. The scent of pine needles and aromatic spices. Rosy cheeks and bundled coats. Strike action. All the regulars of the festive season.
It seems as though the increasing use of strike action happens at the times when we feel it the most. Perhaps that’s the point?
There is much public outrage when it happens, but should the period be sacrosanct?
With multiple sectors currently striking or preparing to, our voters considered how strike action affects this festive time of the year. They explored the purpose of striking, why it is being discussed in the news and the impact it has on the festive period. With this information, they debated if it is important for strikes to cause an inconvenience or if they should instead happen during quieter times of year. Equally, they discussed whether the time of year should affect the decision to strike at all.
"There shouldn't be strikes as December might be the only time people get to see their families."
"When striking over the festive period, people are being punished rather than companies / bosses. After the last 2 Christmas' with Covid, this is not fair to do to families."
"People will always find a way to complain about striking no matter the time of year it takes place."