Curriculum Coverage
SMSC, British Values, Prevent Duty, SHANARRI Wellbeing Indictors, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child & The UN Sustainable Development Goals

At the end of each term, schools are provided with “Curriculum Overviews” outlining how all the below curriculum criteria has been met or supported – these prove invaluable during audits or inspections.
Each week, VotesforSchools provides documentation outlining how the weekly resources meet the following criteria for schools in England & Wales:
Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education (Ofsted, 2004/2014)
Promoting fundamental British Values (Ofsted, November 2014)
The Prevent Duty (HM Government, 2007-present)
Source: SMSC Quality Mark
Source: Department for Education
Source: GOV.UK
Ofsted Report
Packmoor Primary School
Ofsted Report
Five Elms Primary School, 2022
Ofsted Report
Ashwood Academy
Over the course of the academic year, schools can be confident that the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators will have been supported by the weekly resources.
Source: Scottish Government
Over the course of the academic year, schools can be confident that the UNCRC and the UN SDGs have been reinforced by the weekly resources.
Those marked with asterisks are those which VotesforSchools promotes on a weekly basis:
Source: UNICEF
Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
VotesforSchools is committed to providing balanced, impartial, and thoroughly fact-checked resources to schools on a weekly basis.
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